Welcome back blog buddies, I hope that you had a great Easter holiday !
Today I'm going to be sharing with you what I learnt in the Easter holiday, not just what I did. Here we go :
- I learnt how to bike real fast
- I learnt how to save my chocolate ( Mostly from my family )
- I learnt how to tint my cousins eyebrows ( lol )
- I learnt that you shouldn't go picking up crabs with your fingers.
My Favourite thing that I did over the Easter holiday was playing with my cousin and having her over for a sleepover ! Did you go swimming over the Easter holidays?, if you didn't then what did you do ? ( leave it in the comments )
Here are some photos that I didn't take but then you'll get the idea of what I did.
( That is what google is for )
The actual beach :

A real crab :

A Easter Egg : ( The one I got )
I hope you guys enjoyed looking at all the photos, did you go swimming Have a snickers Easter egg or get pinched by a crab. ( Because I got it all )
My favourite part of the weekend was having my cousin over for a sleepover, what was yours ? Feel free to leave a positive motivating comment! Because I'll
probably respond! Blog you later, Bye!