Welcome back blog buddies, today in Cybersmart we commented on one of our friends blog post then on this rubric below copied and Pasted the comment and figured out what we could change.
First we had to check the comment for punctuation, grammar and spelling,
Second we had to check it it followed the PTH ( Positive, Thoughtful and helpful ) rule and if it had a question. Lastly we had to read it, check it with a buddy and see if it was fully completed the PTH.
Here It Is :
The Red is all the stuff I changed. If you wrote this comment what would you change? My favourite part was adding the question, and my least favourite part was having to highlight the changes in red. Fell free to leave a Positive, Thoughtful and Helpful comment. Blog you later, Bye.
Thanks to Skye and Shabeera for being my buddy's today.