Hi bloggers, this week was a little different. First we had a school trip down to our local beach to do some research then we had athletics and I came 2nd in high jump. Anyway I am going to be talking about our Gala Day. My class Hauraki have made tote bags to reduce the use of plastic bags. I am going to be showing you a step by step procedure. But here are some really cool photos, if you are wondering the people in the photos blogs will be at the bottom.

Kayci and Caitlin


The messy class room
Time for the procedure :
How to make a Tote bag.
What you will need:
Sewing machine
Procedure :
1. Cut two pieces of your fabric just bigger than you want the bag to be.
2. Sew the two pieces of fabric together with both patterns facing in. Making sure you don't sew all four, just sew three sides.
3. Then fold over the top about 2 centimetres down and sew along, then fold down about a half a centimetre and sew making sure you don't sew your bag together.
4. Fold your bag the right way out, then sew your straps on like this.
5. Iron everything.
6. You are done.
My favourite part of the whole process was sewing because I learnt a new skill. My least favourite part was picking fabric.
More about the use of plastic and why we should stop using it:
1. It is causing harm to sea life.
2. Plastic bags are not biodegradable.
3. Plastic bags are mistaken for food.
Help all wild life by saying no to plastic bags.
I hope you liked my blog post on The Gala day and how to sew a tote bag.
Feel free to leave a positive and motivating comment bye bloggers.
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